Need a bike that’s super-low maintenance and keeps the grease off your pants? Consider the super-quiet, squeaky-clean Gates Carbon Drive system (a/k/a Belt Drive). This revolutionary system requires no grease, so it stays quiet and clean with minimal attention.

This extroverted CIRCA city bike is running a Gates CDX Carbon Belt Drive mated to a 7-speed internally-geared hub.

This CIRCA city bike features a Gates belt drive, 8-speed internally geared hub and custom laser graphics.

CIRCA Icon PDX single-speed with Gates belt drive.

This CIRCA Burnside City Bike is part of our readymade line. It features a Gates Carbon Belt Drive, a Shimano Alfine 8-speed internal hub and hydraulic disc brakes. You can learn more about the Burnside package by clicking below. 

CIRCA founder Rich Fox built himself a stealthy belt-drive fixie for efficient workouts and sneaking into bike racks.

This belt-drive super-commuter features an electronic shifting Shimano Di2 Alfine 8 speed internal hub, hydraulic disc brakes and custom laser graphics.



Quiet! The first thing that stands out is how quiet the Gates belt drive is. My first test ride took place after dark, and I was immediately struck by the fact that I didn’t hear anything except the whisper of the tires on the pavement. It was really beautiful.

Super-Clean. The Gates Belt doesn’t require any lubrication, so it’s resistant to picking up crud and dust from the road. What this means for riders is if you happen to touch the belt with your hands or clothing, you’ll come away surprisingly clean. Visitors to our showroom will often touch the belt and ask, “what’s so great about this?”. I just say, “Look at your hand.” Their eyes light up when they realize their hand is perfectly clean.

Low Maintenance. The Carbon Belt Drive system doesn’t need any lubrication. Ever. If you’re the type of rider that’s not into tweaking your bike or fussing over the mechanics, the Gates belt drive is one less thing to worry about.

Starting Around $250. Depending on implementation, adding a Gates Belt Drive to your CIRCA custom bike starts out with about a $250 additional cost to your build. Pricing will vary depending on the type of drivetrain that you mate the system to.